
The UNIST Healthcare Center provides services for the physical and mental well-being of the UNIST members. You can apply for all services the center provides by visiting, calling, or e-mail. When you need help, please contact the center.

Location & Office Hours  

  • Location: The 1st level of the basement of the Main Administration Bldg.(B103, 201)
  • Service Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm(Lunch break 12pm-13pm)
  • Contact info
    • Physical health: 052-217-4012 (Jeongyeon Lee)
    • Counseling: 052-217-4011, 4093~4095 (Yugyeung Lee)
    • Administration·Psychiatric clinic reservation: 052-217-4005 (Yeonsoo Jang)
    • e-mail: 217-4011@unist.ac.kr

Services for Physical Health

  • First-aid service and Providing over-the-counter drugs for headaches, cough,s, and wound, etc.
  • Infection prevention: partial financial support for flu vaccination
  • Basic health check-up: blood pressure, body fat percentage(InBody)
  • Smoking cessation clinic: free nicotine patch/gum(in Korean)

Services for Mental Health

The mental health clinic of the Healthcare Center offers individual therapy to address the stress and difficulties experienced by individuals. All procedure is confidential.

  • Individual Therapy: Dealing with psychological difficulties through 1:1 counseling with a psychiatrist.
  • Psychiatric Clinic: 1:1 interview with a psychiatrist, short-term medication prescription. The medication will be provided for about 12 weeks and will be linked to outside clinics.
  • ‘Light box’ rental for relieving insomnia

How to apply for mental health service

  1. Contact the Healthcare center by visiting, calling, or e-mailing and make a reservation
  2. Visit and fill out the application form at the appointment time
  3. Have counseling or medication treatment.

The UNIST Human Rights Center receives reports on human rights violations, sexual harassment and sexual assault on the campus and provides help in solving the problems which arise from such incidents including receiving case reports and providing personal counseling.

The Human Rights Center also provides preemptive and preventative education for these problems. Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance regarding human rights violations, sexual harassment or sexual assault.

Office information

  • Location: S208, Bldg 102
  • Office hour: 9:00~18:00(lunch hour: 12:00~13:00)
  • Contact: hrc@unist.ac.kr

How to apply 

– All members of UNIST including students, faculty, and staff) can apply for a consultation by phone, email, visiting the center, etc.

* Faculty and staff could seek help from the center for human rights violations from the year 2020 after revision of the regulation.

– Confidentiality of personal information and consultation contents are guaranteed.

– Mediation and the taking of incident reports are done at the request of the applicant.

1) Mediation: the procedure to facilitate an agreement between the concerned parties based on the requirements of the applicant.

2) Taking of incident reports: the procedure used when an applicant hopes to solve the problem through an official settlement made by committee.

– After receiving a report, actions such as disciplinary requests for perpetrators and protection of and support for victims will be taken in accordance with the results of the investigation and deliberation process performed by the Human Rights Committee or the Sexual Harassment Deliberation Committee.

Available counseling

  • Human rights violations

Human rights violations occurring on campus including discrimination based on prohibited grounds such as race and disability, unfair treatment, and verbal abuse.

  • Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence

Sexual violence crimes including rape and indecent act, sexual harassment(verbal, physical, visual), stalking, etc.

Faculty Cafeteria

  • Location: Main administration bldg. (201) 3F
  • Operating hour: 11:30~13:30, 17:30~19:30 on weekdays

Cafeteria 1

  • Location: Student Union bldg. (203) 1F
  • Operating hour: 11:30~13:30, 17:30~19:30 on weekdays

Cafeteria 2

  • Location: Cafeteria bldg. (206)
  • Operating hour: 11:00~14:00, 15:00~19:00 on weekdays

Bakery & Fast food

  • Location: Community Center bldg. (204)

Coffee shop 1

  • Location: Engineering bldg 1 (104) 2F
  • Operating hour: 8:00~21:00 on weekdays, 8:00~18:00 on weekends

Coffee shop 2

  • Location: Student Union bldg. (203) 2F
  • Operating hour: 8:00~22:00 on weekdays, 10:00~21:00 on weekends

Coffee shop 3

  • Location: Engineering bldg 4 (110) 2F
  • Operating hour: 7:30~21:00 on weekdays, 7:30~21:00 on weekends

The operating hours are subject to change

The UNIST Child Education Center(CEC) was established to provide care and support for the children of UNIST faculty, staff, and students.

The CEC’s curriculum is implemented according to the standards determined by Korean Education law. The standards for this curriculum are determined by the age of the children as well as other conditions regarding their development. The current curriculum is based on standards set in the National Childcare Program.

The aim of the National Childcare Program is to provide a standardized development and educational program to support the holistic development of children from ages 0-5 and to include coherent and cohesive content that will ultimately help children develop their understanding of what it means to be a responsible and active participant in Korean culture and society.

Tuition & Fee

The amount of government support for child care is different depending on the number of days a child attends the center. When a child fails to attend for more than 11 days, the rest of the support must be paid by his or her parents.

* At least one parent must have Korean citizenship in order to be eligible for government-funded childcare support.

For non-Korean parents who do not receive government-funded childcare support funds, please be aware that the childcare fee will be withdrawn from the bank account provided on the “Kids Banking Application”.

For further information regarding application and others, please contact the CEC office or UNIST General affairs team.

Opened in 2010, the Sports Center offers diverse sports programs for UNIST members. It has a swimming pool, squash courts, indoor golf training courts, and a fitness center. And it is open to everyone! Specific timetables for sports programs are listed on the following page. They also have Youth Physical Training programs for activities such as soccer, basketball, inline skating, ping pong, and badminton.

Business hours

Mon-Fri 06:00-22:00, Weekend & Holidays 09:00-17:00.

For further details, please visit here.